The new tiered seating which was installed by the KCYMS Committee in 2012 adds to the comfort for the audience at The Wildflower Competition 2013. Ref: F342
Stallholder Mage Daly, Limerick, selling soft toys at Puck Fair, 1950
Stallholder Mage Daly, Limerick, selling soft toys at Puck Fair, 1950. Her family had bee coming to to Puck for 70 years. Source: The...
Willie Murphy and Patsy Foley of Caragh Lake with Charlie Curran of Stealroe, enjoy...
Willie Murphy and Patsy Foley of Caragh Lake with Charlie Curran of Stealroe, enjoy their pints of plain at Paud O'Neill's Bar, 1990's.
Killorglin Folklore and Historic Society Committee Members Donnach Curran, Tom Foley, Keiran Foley, Denis...
Killorglin Folklore and Historic Society Committee Members Donnach Curran, Tom Foley, Keiran Foley, Denis Doyle. Ref: F178
Pa Houlihan, Killorglin Historian at 90
Killorglin Town
Created By: Mike Foley