15th July 1945 Laune Pipers Band , Mill Yard , Annadale Rd ., Killorglin. The tall house in the centre is O’Regan’s Top L/R ?, ?, Jackie O Shea, ?, ?, Michael O’Reilly, ?,
bottom L/R Pa Houlihan, ?, ? (small girl), Micheal O’Mahony, ?, ?, ?,
1871-1943 Judge Thomas O’Donnell , M.P.
Bantry Soldiers 1940

The times they are -a-changin’ . The arrival of the more modern caravan which signalled the beginning of the end for the traditional horse drawn barrel-top-wagon. The Grove , Killarney Road , can be seen in the background.

A line of cars on the Killarney Rd for Puck Fair , 1940’s. Liam Foley’s house can be seen on the right.
Preparing for the Puck Fair parade . Chub’s hardware and timber yard can be seen on the left with the chimneys of McCrohans house next door to it. 1940’s.

Daniel & Mary O Connor, Laharn
In Pony & Trap

Traffic Jam in the Square. Puck Fair , 1940’s.

The O’Mahoney family , taken at home , 6 , Laune View. 1940’s. Back L-R , Bridget , Michael , Siobhan. Front , L-R , Bridie , Maureen.