Jim Fogarty, Tom Evans and Paddy Doherty enjoying their pints of plain in Paud O’Neill’s Bar, Langford Street, circa 1992. Ref No: F098
Tús Supervisor Donal Foley on a visit to the Archive office. 2015
Tús Supervisor Donal Foley on a visit to the Archive office. 2015
The two piers stand as sentinels at what was the Caragh Lake railway bridge
The two piers stand as sentinels at what was the Caragh Lake railway bridge. Ref: R092
Charlie O Brien
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ3C68XAfOc]
Created By Mike Foley
He, The Town – A short film by Neil Browne
- Neil Browne - Artist Statement “He, The Town” My work seeks to show the relationship of generations within a family...