Cyril O’Neill goes on holiday, circa early 1990’s. Ref No: F099
Joe Foley of Sunhill helps to keep Killorglin in pristine condition 2014
Joe Foley of Sunhill helps to keep Killorglin in pristine condition 2014. Ref: F367
The view that greeted the passengers crossing the Railway Viaduct of the old RIC...
The view that greeted the passengers crossing the Railway Viaduct of the old RIC Barracks, Barry's Bridge with the O'Connell Memorial Church, Cahirciveen town...
Killorglin Vegetable Factory,1962
Founding members of the Killorglin Vegetable Factory. FR. Sam Moore, AIB. Tom Foley, Hugh O'Donnell, Hort. Instr. BR. John Perry, AIB. Paddy O'Neill, James...
A Tribute To Mick Murphy ‘The Ironman’ 1934-2015
Killorglin to Valentia Harbour Railway
Charlie O Brien
Created By Mike Foley