Wildflower of the Laune Harvest Festival. September 1995 Filmed by Willie Murphy edited by mike Foley
John and Terence Houlihan with King Puck 1984
John and Terence Houlihan on top of stand with King Puck 1984.custom thesis writing service Ref No: P046
Cattle Being Loaded Onto Train In Killorglin Station
Cattle Being Loaded Onto Train In Killorglin Station Ref: R049
Ladies of the ICA in the Puck Fair Parade, 1995
Ladies of the ICA in the Puck Fair Parade, 1995. Ref: P254
Peter Joy – The Emigrant
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19CM02GIPZM]
Created by Mike Foley
50 Years In Cromane 1961 – 2011 Part One
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9HNpC9HS5w]
Edited by Mike Foley