The Puck Goat Race, Langford Street, circa 1970’s. Ref: P226
Puck Fair Stallholders, Bridget Hanley and her niece, Puck Fair 1978
Long time Puck Fair Stallholder, Bridget Hanley and her niece, Puck Fair pass4sure 1Y0-309 1978. Source: The Patrick Houlihan Collection. custom essays cheap...
KAS members with the Pride of Place Judges in the KCYMS Hall in July...
KAS members with the Pride of Place Judges in the KCYMS Hall in July 2013. Billy Browne, Tómas Hayes, Liz McCarthy, Tom Downing and...
Silky O’ Sullivan raises the Puck Goat, Beale Street, Memphis, Tennessee
Saint Patrick's Day celebrations outside Silky O'Sullivan's Bar, Beale Street, 2011.
Faces and Places RTE Television 1987
Kathleen Watkins talking to Patrick Houlihan in his Basement Museum Killorglin, County Kerry.
Edited by Mike Foley for Killorglin Archive Society.
Charlie O Brien
Created By Mike Foley