The path to the left of photo was the railway track which passed the old RIC Barracks on left and Barry’s Bridge on the right before crossing the road and arriving in Cahirciveen Station. Ref: R130
John and Olive Mulvihill proprietors with Jimmy Deenihan T.D. who unveiled the refurbished Romany...
John and Olive Mulvihill proprietors with Jimmy Deenihan T.D. who unveiled the refurbished Romany Caravan made by Pa Houlihan. Also in photo the Reverend...
Modernity catches up with Puck Fair, 1960’s
Modernity catches up with Puck Fair, 1960's. Ref: P161
John and Terence Houlihan with King Puck 1984
John and Terence Houlihan on top of stand with King Puck 1984.custom thesis writing service Ref No: P046
Wildflower of the Laune 1995 Part 2
Wildflower of the Laune Harvest Festival. September 1995 Filmed by Willie Murphy edited by mike Foley
Home from America 1969
This 8mm Cine Film was taken by May & Joe Cooley during their visit to May's home place in Tullig,Killorglin during Puck Fair...