The men who build the C.Y.M.S Hall in Killorglinin 195354 Offical Opening was held July 15th 1954 Music was by Maurice Mulcahy Orchestra. 1000 dancers attended. Fr. Ml. Stack C.C spiritual director of the C.Y.M.S is seen next to Ml. Coffee President Ref: F385
John Joe O’Connor and Ted Mangan dressed as Redcoats for their roles in Kathleen...
John Joe O'Connor and Ted Mangan dressed as Redcoats for their roles in Kathleen Mavoureen staged in the Carnegie Market Street,1928. Source: The Patrick...
Paud O’Neill’s Dart team celebrate their victory in The Step Inn, 1997
Paud O'Neill's Dart team celebrate their victory in The Step Inn, 1997.
The gateway to the newly refurbished Kells Railway Station
The gateway to the newly refurbished Kells Railway Station. Ref: R117
Laune Rangers All Ireland Club Champions Part 2
Killorglin Town
Created By: Mike Foley
Wildflower of the Laune 1995 Part Two
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