The Joy Brothers Seamus & Peter Perform At The U.S. Naval Base Newport, Rhode Island Ref: F449
The Railway Cottage at what was once Glenbeigh Railway Station at Reenallagane
The Railway Cottage at what was once Glenbeigh Railway Station at Reenallagane. Ref: R101
KAS members with the Pride of Place Judges in the KCYMS Hall in July...
KAS members with the Pride of Place Judges in the KCYMS Hall in July 2013. Billy Browne, Tómas Hayes, Liz McCarthy, Tom Downing and...
Langford Street gathering with the McCarthy’s, O’Shea’s and the Coffey’s, 1980’s
Langford Street gathering with the McCarthy's, O'Shea's and the Coffey's, 1980's.