The crowds arrive to Puck Fair in their droves as can be seen from this photo of the County Bridge in the 1960’s. Ref: P246
A late night photo taken of the illuminations on the County Bridge before Puck...
A late night photo taken of the illuminations on the County Bridge before Puck Fair, 1971. Ref: P219
Killorglin Tolls & Customs on the County Bridge
Killorglin Tolls & Customs on the County Bridge. Ref: P137
1912. 22 Girls & 22 Boys Atttended The Carnegie School
1912 22 Girls & 22 Boys Atttended The Carnegie School Ref: Sc052
Charlie O Brien
Created By Mike Foley
Portrait of Killorglin
A beautiful selection of photos of people and places in Killorglin.
Photos from Killorglin Archive Society.
Created by Mike Foley
A Parish Remembers – Part 2
The centenary of St. James' Catholic Church 1988. Edited by Mike Foley.