Puck Fair Parade Ref: P129
The red sandstone which had to be hewn, drawn, dressed, lifted and laid...
The red sandstone which had to be hewn, drawn, dressed, lifted and laid to to create an infrastructure which was designed and built by...
John Joe O’Connor and Ted Mangan dressed as Redcoats for their roles in Kathleen...
John Joe O'Connor and Ted Mangan dressed as Redcoats for their roles in Kathleen Mavoureen staged in the Carnegie Market Street,1928. Source: The Patrick...
A Parish Remembers – Part 1
The centenary of St. James' Catholic 70-465 Church 1988. Edited by Mike Foley. 70-465
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR-UILsXrGk]
Faces and Places RTE Television 1987
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CSw_apuQVI]
Kathleen Watkins talking to Patrick Houlihan in his Basement Museum Killorglin, County Kerry.
Edited by Mike Foley for Killorglin Archive Society.