Patrick Griffin, Patrick Doyle, Patsy ‘Wally’ O’Sullivan and Dan Doyle, Paud O’Neill’s, circa early 1990’s. Ref No: F103
Group surround Butty Sugrue and his assistants pulling the trailer with King Puck, before...
Group surround Butty Sugrue and his assistants pulling the trailer with King Puck, before he was crowned King in 1966. Garda Tom Meila, Sunhill,...
Declan Falvey show off his oratorical skills at the unveiling of the Puck Poets,...
Declan Falvey show off his oratorical skills at the unveiling of the Puck Poets, 2010.
Patsy Foley and Billy Browne pictured at the hole in the wall in Upper...
Patsy Foley and Billy Browne pictured at the hole in the wall in Upper Bridge Street, 1996. Ref: F203
Puck Fair 1965
A look back at times gone by to Puck Fair 1965 A comprehensive look at the many facets that went to make up...