Pa Houlihan at work on the second tier of the Puck Fair Stand, 1967. Ref: P214
School children from Scoil Mhuire watch the last train leave Killorglin Station from the...
School children from Scoil Mhuire watch the last train leave Killorglin Station from the top of the Under-Bridge, School Road on the 31st of...
1914? Mr Fitzpatrick & Douglas National School Boys
1914? Mr Fitzpatrick & Douglas National School Boys Ref: Sc054
Fishing the Sloe – Black River Directed by Brendan Bourke Filmed in Killorglin –...
Fishing the Sloe - Black River Directed by Brendan Bourke Filmed in Killorglin - 1996
St. Patrick’s Day – Killorglin 2011
Video by Tim Clifford
Puck and its People 1990 – Part 1
Filmed by Willie Murphy Edited by Mike Foley