Neighbours Patsy Foley and Willie Murphy of Caragh Lake take time out for a chat surrounded by their faithful canine friends, 2015.
Window to the past. The red brick Station Master’s cottage in Valentia Harbour. Notice...
Window to the past. The red brick Station Master's cottage in Valentia Harbour. Notice the fine detail in the brickwork of the chimney. ...
Na Fianna (Warriors) with their Irish Wolfhound Mascot, 1978
Na Fianna (Warriors) with their Irish Wolfhound Mascot, 1978. Ref: P224
The back of the last train ticket on the 30th January 1960
The back of the last train ticket on the 30th January 1960. Ref: R161
Fodhla Cronin O`Reilly, Oscar nomination for Head Over Heels. Her home place, Cromane, Co.Kerry.
Fodhla Cronin O`Reilly, Oscar nomination for Head Over Heels. Her home place, Cromane, Co.Kerry. Oscars Fodhla Cronin O`Reilly www kerrytelevision com 2013
Laune Rangers All Ireland Club Champions Part 2
Charlie O Brien
Created By Mike Foley