Mike ‘The Baker’ Kelliher of St.James’ Gardens samples the view from the other side of the bar.
Balladeer and Musician Brendan Moriarty gathers his thoughts in Paud O’Neill’s Bar, Langford Street,...
Balladeer and Musician Brendan Moriarty gathers his thoughts in Paud O'Neill's Bar, Langford Street, 2015.
Faces In The Old Forge
1975 The Old Forge, Wilma O'Connor, Sheila Foley, Teddy Moriarty, Francis Doherty, Sinead Silvius, Fiona Wise, John Peter Cronin, Tim McCarthy, JJ O'Connor, ?...
Laune Rangers All Ireland Club Champions Part 2
Puck and its People 1990 – Part 1
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCRLU_dWiuM]
Filmed by Willie Murphy Edited by Mike Foley
Fodhla Cronin O`Reilly, Oscar nomination for Head Over Heels. Her home place, Cromane, Co.Kerry.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2HQH6GM_PI]
Fodhla Cronin O`Reilly, Oscar nomination for Head Over Heels. Her home place, Cromane, Co.Kerry. Oscars Fodhla Cronin O`Reilly www kerrytelevision com 2013