Mike McKenna declares his interest in becoming King of Puck, 2010.
Anne Doyle steps it out with her son Tom at the Centenary Dance for...
Anne Doyle steps it out with her son Tom at the Centenary Dance for St. James' Church in the KCYMS Hall, September 1988. ...
King Puck proves to be a big draw, 1990’s
King Puck proves to be a big draw, 1990's. Ref: P179
Three young male musicians with an older man on right and a man inside...
Three young male musicians with an older man on right and a man inside shop window looking out, Puck Fair, 1954. Source: The Patrick...
Faces and Places RTE Television 1987
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CSw_apuQVI]
Kathleen Watkins talking to Patrick Houlihan in his Basement Museum Killorglin, County Kerry.
Edited by Mike Foley for Killorglin Archive Society.