Martin O’Neill of Ardmoniel, Mick Gillen, Groyne and Paddy Doherty, St.James’ Gardens enjoy a pint and a chat in Paud O’Neills Bar, Langford Street, circa 1980’s.
The O’Connor twins Johnny and Seánny, Ardmoniel, 2014
The O'Connor twins Johnny and Seánny, Ardmoniel, 2014. Ref: F420
King Puck on the Puck Fair Stand, crowd and stalls. Looking towards Cnocán na...
King Puck on the Puck Fair Stand, crowd and stalls. Looking towards Cnocán na gCeap, 1952. Source: The Patrick Houlihan Collection. Ref No:...
WW1 Commemoration Ceremony Killorglin 4th August 2014
Noel Kingston Sings Danny Boy
The evergreen Danny Boy - an excerpt from a live performance by Noel Kingston