Martin O’Neill of Ardmoniel, Mick Gillen, Groyne and Paddy Doherty, St.James’ Gardens enjoy a pint and a chat in Paud O’Neills Bar, Langford Street, circa 1980’s.
Old retaining wall near the river Behy, Glenbeigh where the train once crossed the...
Old retaining wall near the river Behy, Glenbeigh where the train once crossed the road. Note the railway sleepers overhead. Ref: R084
Barrel-top caravans lined along the Killarney road during Puck Fair. Cattle being escorted home...
Barrel-top caravans lined along the Killarney road during Puck Fair. Cattle being escorted home from the Fair, circa 1940's. Source: The Patrick Houlihan Collection....
Photo taken at a dress rehearsal of the male cast of “Kathleen Mouvereen” on...
Photo taken at a dress rehearsal of the male cast of "Kathleen Mouvereen" on the balcony of the Carnegie Hall, 1928. Back Row:...
Puck and its People 1990 – Part 2
Filmed by Willie Murphy Edited by Mike Foley
A Tribute To Mick Murphy ‘The Ironman’ 1934-2015