Scoil Mhuire new school around 1980’s
Here’ s an interesting photo taken in the 1960’s outside Scoil Mhuire , Sunhill with the boys from the school pictured by the newly built Marian grotto . The school , one of six , built in the late 1880’s by the then Parish Priest , Fr. Tom Lawlor. Fr. Lawlor was the priest who spearheaded the building of St. James’s church which was dedicated and opened on the 3rd May 1891.
Teachers of Scoil Mhuire (L-R) , Michael O” Donoghue , Kitty Logue , Tadhg Connor , Liam Foley.
Caption here
30th June 1959, Headmaster Michael O’Donoghue leaving Killorglin Boys National School on his last day as teacher.
BR L-R Josie Corcoran, Kitty Callaghan, Bridie Foley, Sarah Carroll, Maureen Coffey, Bridie Griffin, Nora Connell Kitty Casey, Maureen O’Connor, Eileen Foley. CR Hannagh Cahillane, Joan Foley, Kathleen Harris, Peggy O’Shea, Estie Roberts, Kathleen McCarthy, Sheila Clifford, Sheila Sullivan, Hannah Lynch, Hanah (Rue) Sullivan BR. Delia Callillane, Maureen (Rue) Sullivan, Sheila Clifford, Sheila Sheehan, Maura Keary, Sheila Foley, Bridie Tobin, Mary Elllen Brosnan, Breda O’Donoghue. Schools Ref: Sc055
Killorglin Girls National School
Teacher Michael O Donoghue with a class of boys whose names include ,Gene Ferris , Danny Joy , Johnny O Neill , Cathal Foley , Maurice Roche , Teddy Cronin , Teddy “Chub” O Connor , Vincent Moriarty , Joe Cronin , Fergus Foley , Paud Sullivan , CDdenis Harris , Paddy Moriarthy , Dominic Coffey , ? Coffey , Edso Crowley , George Teahan , Danjo Connor , Patie O Neill , ? Daly , Tom Curran , John Paul Cahillane , Davey O Shea , Liam Russel , ? Doyle (Doylo) , Moss Harmon , Ray Fitzgerald.

National School , Killorglin , Front Row (R – L) Brendan Sullivan , James Riordan , Charlie Fitzgerald , Denis Doyle , Jimmy Corkery , Pat Kennedy , Willie Mc.Carthy , Pat Sullivan , Fergus Foley , ? , Teddy Ferris , Middle Row. (R – L) Paudie Teahan , Denis Whelan , Sean O Connor , ? O Connor , Padjoe Moriarty , Michael Concannon , ? , Jimmy O Shea , Morgan O Sullivan. Back Row (R – L) Liam Foley (Teacher) , Eamon Looney , Joe Crowley , Johnny O Shea , Michael Galvin , Martin O Neill , ? Mangan , Timothy Riordan , Tony McMahon , Fintan Foley , Declan Falvey , Simey Ferris.
School Ref: Sc043
Group of kids dressed in their fancy costumes.