Kells Station Signal Box. The community in Kells have done a wonderful job over the years in refurbishing the Station which is used for communal events Ref: R119
ICA Birthday, Towers Hotel, Glenbeigh
ICA Birthday, Towers Hotel, Glenbeigh Mrs Moroney, Mrs Lucy, Eileen Power, Eileen Mg months to if you dont have the tacks phone for easy...
Traveller Caravans In Iveragh Road – Train In Background
Traveller Caravans In Iveragh Road - Train In Background Ref: P148
Falvey’s Pub Video by Padraig Kennelly of kennelly Archive
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Photographer Padraig Kennelly describes the traditional Irish Pub as a place of song and entertainment. He names Declan Falveys...
A Tribute To Mick Murphy ‘The Ironman’ 1934-2015