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Crowd waiting for King Puck Coronation, early 1970’s
Crowd waiting for King Puck Coronation, early 1970's. Source: The Patrick Houlihan Collection. writing an essay about yourself Ref No: P054
Pa Houlihan catches King Puck
Pa Houlihan? ?642-436 certification catches?640-864 King Puck. resume writer service Ref. P 020
Josiephine Murphy and Willie Mangan, Paud O’Neill’s, circa early 1990’s
Josephine Murphy and Willie Mangan, Paud O'Neill's, circa early 1990's. Ref No: F101
Killorglin to Valentia Harbour Railway
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_SMOfsQO3w]
The Railway Line from Farranfore to Valentia Harbour in Co Kerry.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpEx3xGppEQ]
Joan O'Sullivan, RTE, reports on the history of the Farranfore to Valentia Harbour railway line.
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