Goods Train In Killorglin Station Ref: R038
Cromane Sports Committee from the early 1970’s
Cromane Sports Committee from the early 1970's. Front L - R: Michael Little, Eileen Hayes, Mary Joy, Breda Fitzpatrick, May Clifford and Gerry...
Traveller Children In Iveragh Road At Puck Fair 1954
Traveller Children In Iveragh Road At Puck Fair 1954 Ref: P133
Mr & Mrs Liam Foley & Sons Sitting On Rotivator, The Grove
Mr & Mrs Liam Foley & Sons Sitting On Rotivator, The Grove Ref: F267
Puck and its People 1990 – Part 1
Filmed by Willie Murphy Edited by Mike Foley
World Record Attempt, Buried Alive!! Mike Meaney And Michael ‘Butty’ Sugrue
The Railway Line from Farranfore to Valentia Harbour in Co Kerry.
Joan O'Sullivan, RTE, reports on the history of the Farranfore to Valentia Harbour railway line.
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