August 1925 Bertie Houlihan, Patsy Hartnett & Jimmy Callaghan (the Barber) Outside Mr Houlihans Carpenter Shop, Lower Bridge Street Ref: F121
The memorial to Sigerson Clifford outside the old Carnegie Building in Cahirciveen
The memorial to Sigerson Clifford outside the old Carnegie Building in Cahirciveen. Ref: R135
The crowning of King Puck 1964
Patsy Cronin, Angela Moriarthy, Christy Riordan, Timmy Cronin, Madeleine Foley and Myles Coffey. how to make money online for free Ref....
The stone plaque to commemorate the building of the Gleesk Viaduct in the year...
The stone plaque to commemorate the building of the Gleesk Viaduct in the year A.D 1892 (Anno Domini- The year of our Lord). ...
The Railway Line from Farranfore to Valentia Harbour in Co Kerry.
Joan O'Sullivan, RTE, reports on the history of the Farranfore to Valentia Harbour railway line.
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Puck and its People 1990 – Part 1
Filmed by Willie Murphy Edited by Mike Foley