A young Edward Looney busking at Puck Fair while his father Eranaus and sister Róisín look on, circa 1994. Ref: P182
Jerry Dunne and Christy Dunne, Baile Nua (now known as Laune View)
Jerry Dunne and Christy Dunne, Baile Nua (now known as Laune View). Ref: P196
The railway line still evident along Knocknadobar
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Paddy & Edso Crowley with Brendan O’Sullivan
Paddy & Edso Crowley with Brendan O'Sullivan, centre, on the occasion of the closing of his Aunt's pub P.T. O'Sullivan's, Cnocan na gCeap on...
Aine nicGabhann -The Hills of Donegal
In memory of Aine nicGabhann, Caragh Lake, Killorglin.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJqTmJ-9yw0]
Puck Fair 1965
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkIbsYEOrgk]
A look back at times gone by to Puck Fair 1965 A comprehensive look at the many facets that went to make up...