A young boy eating something, and dressed in dark suit with knitted jumper, shirt and tie- standing outside a shop window which has ornaments and ball, circa 1950’s. Source: The Patrick Houlihan Collection. Ref No: P091
The Roulette Wheel which was so much a part of Puck Fair, 1960’s
The Roulette Wheel which was so much a part of Puck Fair, 1960's. Ref: P235
Outside Joinery Shop of Michael Houlihan, Lower Bridge Street, Killorglin. They are photographed with...
Outside Joinery Shop of Michael Houlihan, Lower Bridge Street, Killorglin. They are photographed with King Puck. Left to Right: Bertie Houlihan (Boy with cap),...
1999 Puck Fair
magic essay writer 1999 The only year to have Mounted Gardaí at Puck Fair Ref: P 036
The Railway Line from Farranfore to Valentia Harbour in Co Kerry.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpEx3xGppEQ]
Joan O'Sullivan, RTE, reports on the history of the Farranfore to Valentia Harbour railway line.
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Noel Kingston Sings Danny Boy
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlyKu0Wvi10]
The evergreen Danny Boy - an excerpt from a live performance by Noel Kingston