A photo of one of the piers of the Gleesk Viaduct looking skywards. Ref: R114
Johanna Mahony 1902 – 1979. She was the daughter of Michael Mahony 1860 –...
Johanna Mahony 1902 - 1979. She was the daughter of Michael Mahony 1860 - 1905 and Julia Sullivan 1866 - 1917. She never married and...
Patie and Sheamus O’Connor pictured alongside their mother in a pony and trap, circa...
Patie and Sheamus O'Connor pictured alongside their mother in a pony and trap, circa 1930's.
A Glimpse of Times Past
A Glimpse of Times Past
A beautiful tale told by Lily Murphy and Peig Brosnan of how things used to be.
Filmed & produced by Joe...
Faces and Places RTE Television 1987
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CSw_apuQVI]
Kathleen Watkins talking to Patrick Houlihan in his Basement Museum Killorglin, County Kerry.
Edited by Mike Foley for Killorglin Archive Society.