A photo of one of the piers of the Gleesk Viaduct looking skywards. Ref: R114
Killorglin Knitting Group showcase their car of colours knitted especially for the Puck Fair...
Killorglin Knitting Group showcase their car of colours knitted especially for the Puck Fair Parade, 2013. Note the two large knitting needles sticking out...
Finbarr Coffey and Edso Crowley at the King Puck Unveiling, 2001
Finbarr Coffey and Edso Crowley at the King Puck Unveiling, 2001. Ref: F325
Pa Houlihan, Killorglin Historian at 90
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJcyoHf2Fo0]
Peter Joy – The Emigrant
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19CM02GIPZM]
Created by Mike Foley