A panoramic shot of the red sandstone Viaduct in Gleesk, Kells with Dingle Bay and Sleive Mish that conveys the vista which made it one of the most scenic train journeys in in the world in its time. Ref: R110
Bridget and Ella Coffey dancing on the street watched by friends and fans at...
Bridget and Ella Coffey dancing on the street watched by friends and fans at Puck Fair, circa 1950's. Source: The Patrick Houlihan Collection. ...
The two piers stand as sentinels at what was the Caragh Lake railway bridge
The two piers stand as sentinels at what was the Caragh Lake railway bridge. Ref: R092
A Parish Remembers – Part 2
The centenary of St. James' Catholic Church 1988. Edited by Mike Foley.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR-UILsXrGk]
Noel Kingston Sings Danny Boy
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlyKu0Wvi10]
The evergreen Danny Boy - an excerpt from a live performance by Noel Kingston