1960’s I.C.A. Outing Ref: F381
Stallholder Mage Daly, Limerick, selling soft toys at Puck Fair, 1950
Stallholder Mage Daly, Limerick, selling soft toys at Puck Fair, 1950. Her family had bee coming to to Puck for 70 years. Source: The...
1931 Killorglin Boys National School
1931 Killorglin Boys National School Mr McSweeney Principal, Mrs Lamb Infants, Liam Foley 1st &2nd Class, Michael O'Donoghue 3rd&4th Class. ...
WW1 Daniel Moroney – Reen (Standing On Left)
WW1 Daniel Moroney - Reen (Standing On Left) Ref: F264
Tom Melia Killorglin Town Photo Slideshow
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMEEp219pgU]
Threshing filmed at the farm of Michael Coffey, Kilgobnet, Co. Kerry
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-w0XHmAjko]